Our culinary experiments, inspired by the cooking show Good Eats with Alton Brown.
Monday, April 23, 2012
there are ants in our kitchen!!! - S14E22
So, we've been a bit lax on blogging lately, but I wanted to bring you this delicious dish from Good Eats, called "Ants in Trees". Sounds appetizing, right? Despite the quirky name, this recipe turned out a fantastic meal. The name comes from the way the ground meat sticks to the noodles, looking like Ants climbing tree branches.
Since we chose to halve the recipe for our first go round, there were no leftovers at all, which means we'll have to make it again soon!! This recipe uses ingredients available either at the local Asian market (hello Ranch 99) or at larger specialty grocers (Whole Foods and the like). It was a bit more labor intensive than simple baking or roasting dishes, but no more so than a Pad Thai. Without further a do, let's get cooking!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
i swoon for macaroons!!!
Well kids, it's that time of year. The birds are out, the sun is shining through the rain, the damned flowers everywhere are making me sneeze and Easter is just around the corner. Now, my family doesn't do the whole Easter dinner shebang, but I love this time of year because the blogs are abuzz with yummy spring dessert recipes!! One such recipe I spied recently was on FitSugar.com for Almond & Coconut Macaroons, yum! I tested out this recipe last week and loved the results, so I made it again last night and had Mr. Photographer snap some shots to share. The best things about this recipe: you probably already have half of the ingredients in your pantry and it takes 30 minutes from start to finish (15-20 of that in the oven).
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Oh My, Meat Pie - S12E6
Anddddddd we're back! Sorry for the absense, but we were both too busy (too lazy?) to post anything. But never fear, we are still cooking up a storm. For our welcome back meal, Jesse decided to keep it going with the lamb, so we will be making Shephard's Pie. Also known as "cottage pie", shephard's pie is basically a poor man's pie with a lamb/mutton stew as its base and mashed potatoes as its crust. Looks and sounds pretty simple, so let's dive in.